The 3 Best Alternative to Vinyl Straps on Patio Furniture

Good patio furniture is an exclusive luxury that improves your outdoor experience. Vinyl synthetic polymerized plastic is used in most patio or garden furniture. We prefer the material because it is weatherproof, durable, and economical.

Occasionally, you have problems with your patio furniture straps, and vinyl straps are hard to come by. You don’t have to worry, though; there are also good alternatives to vinyl straps that you can use. We conducted thorough research to present to you the top three picks for the best alternative to vinyl straps on patio furniture.

What Is the Importance of Vinyl Straps?

For patio furniture, vinyl straps are used because they withstand rain, sunshine, dust, humidity, and other factors. We also use them in tables or chairs to attach the furniture to the frame. The vinyl straps, however, wear and tear over time, so they sometimes do not hold the furniture for long. The goods news is that there are many great alternatives to using vinyl straps on patio furniture. We cover the 3 best options below.

Best Alternative to Vinyl Straps on Patio Furniture – 3 Options

  1. Fabric Strapping
  2. Polypropylene Rope
  3. Plastic Webbing

1. Fabric Strapping

There are various fabric types. However, not all fabrics are suitable for furniture usage. The best fabric materials for furniture straps include sailcloth, cotton duck, acrylic, or polyester fabric.

Why Use Fabric Straps?

While fabric is thought to be fragile and unable to withstand pressure, certain materials are tough and durable.

For instance, acrylic fabric is resistant to molding and can withstand friction or rubbing. The dying process used for Acrylic fabric makes it difficult to wear or tear the material. Hence, it retains its original color. Additionally, acrylic fabrics tend to maintain a cool temperature, making them suitable for patio furniture in sunny climates.

2. Polypropylene Rope

best alternative to vinyl straps on patio furniture

Propylene ropes come from synthetic materials, and the straps are water-resistant. Consequently, they can handle water moisture and can be used in many wet or humid areas.

Why Use Polypropylene Straps?

They last longer and can withstand rotting because they are not natural but synthetic fiber. They are the ideal choice if you seek longevity. In areas with heavy rainfall, poly straps survive the wear and tear effect caused by water splashes over time.

3. Plastic Webbing

Generally, plastic is useful as an alternative strap because it is durable and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Why Use Plastic Webbing?

Although plastic webbings are not as durable as the other materials, they are cheap, and the replacement process is relatively easy. Plastic straps come in various designs and colors. Additionally, the webbings are unique because they give a retro look to your patio furniture.

How do I replace the vinyl straps on my patio furniture?

The easiest is to simply cut off the current vinyl straps and then measure them. You can then cut your new vinyl strap replacement to be the same size. You can then attach it onto the furniture. If you are going to use vinyl strapping again, you can purchase vinyl strapping by the roll. Having extra material is great since then you can do vinyl chair strap replacement on all your chairs or simply have some left over for the future.


Our article has delved into the best vinyl strap alternative for patio furniture. Each choice discussed in this article has its advantages and disadvantages.

Before deciding to pick any material for your patio furniture, you need to look at the conditions in your locality, the type of material that can withstand such situations, and the durability. What may be the best option in a warm climate like Florida, may not be the best for a cooler climate like Wisconsin.